代表・理事 – Directors
1998年慶応義塾大学法学部卒。同年日本商工会議所入所、1999年外務省在デンマーク日本大使館(コペンハーゲン)。2004年参議院議員政策担当秘書。2014年デンマーク大使館上席政治経済担当官。1989年に世界で初めて同性結婚を認めたデンマークにおいてゲイやレズビアンの人達、その家族や友人、同僚の人達も含めて、誰もが自然に社会の一員として生きている姿が印象的でした。また、30代では日本の国会に勤務して、法律ができるプロセスを見てきました。そうした経験から、日本でも同性結婚を認める法律ができたらいいなと考えるようになりました。EMA Japan founder and President Kazu Terada spent his 20s in Copenhagen, Denmark, the country where same-sex marriage was first legalized in 1989. Kazu was able to observe first hand how gays and lesbians in Denmark became deeply integrated into Danish society, be it their families, friends or colleagues. This made a deep impression on him. Kazu returned to Japan in his 30s to work at the Japanese Diet (national legislature) and was exposed to Japan’s legislative processes. This experience inspired Kazu’s advocacy and dream that one day, same-sex marriage would become recognized legally in Japan.
EMAのウェブサイト周りを担当しています。リベラルな父親と保守的な母親の下で育ち、大学進学に伴い上京。高校生の時に自分はゲイだと自覚するも周囲には相談できず、親しい友人を除き22歳まではクローゼットとして生活。イギリス系企業での勤務経験を機に職場の同僚や友人・親族にカムアウト。高校時代やクローゼットな時に感じた息苦しさをLGBTの若い世代が感じる事のない社会を実現したいと思いEMA日本の活動に参加。EMA日本の活動の傍ら東京レインボープライドのファンドレイジング部門の一員としても活躍。Vice President Masafumi Imagawa is in charge of all web-related matters concerning EMA. Growing up as the son of a liberal father and a conservative mother, he moved to Tokyo for his university studies. Realizing he was gay as a high school student without being able to communicate this to anyone around him, he did not disclose his sexual orientation to anyone but his closest friends until the age of 22. Gaining work experience at a British company in Japan, he came out to his co-workers, friends and family. Masafumi joined the activities of EMA with the goal to create a society in which young members of the LGBT community do not have to experience the constraints he felt during his time being closeted. Besides his activities for EMA, Masafumi is also a member of the fundraising division of Tokyo Rainbow Pride.
レズビアンマザー、シングルマザー、ワーキングマザーとして、社会の中で3人の子どもを育てる大変さに直面。「レズビアン/ゲイだから、好きな人を幸せにする事が出来ない」「法律は私たちを何も守ってくれない」「日本は変わらないでしょ?」という友人たちの悲しい声にも胸を痛める。自分のセクシャリティに悩み、未来に希望が持てず、心の深淵に深い悲しみを持つ方々へ、これからは違うよと言えるように、そして未来を生きる子どもたちが、そんな思いを抱くことなくこの国に生まれてきて良かったと言えるような世の中になることを願って、EMAに加わることとなりました。Vice President Aya Shimada, a lesbian mother, a single mother, and a working mother, faces great difficulties raising her three children in today’s society. “Since we’re lesbian/gay, we can’t bring the person we love happiness”…“The law does nothing to protect us”…“Japan isn’t going to change.” It hurts her heart to hear her friends say these sad words. To those who feel ashamed of their sexuality, those without a hope for the future, and those who hold sadness deep within their hearts: Aya has joined EMA with the hope to be able to say, “Things will change!” She has joined with the hope that instead of bearing pain, the children of tomorrow will be able to be proud of the country they live in.
青山学院大学法学部、早稲田大学大学院法務研究科卒。2010年弁護士登録。大手渉外法律事務所等の勤務を経て、現在は早稲田リーガルコモンズ法律事務所のパートナー。LGBT支援法律家ネットワーク、同性婚人権救済弁護団所属。労働問題や離婚・相続などの一般民事事件を取り扱う傍ら、LGBTの当事者支援のための活動に従事しています。日本では、LGBT当事者やその支援者たちの長年にわたる活動が実を結び、近年、セクシャルマイノリティに関する人権問題がようやく社会的にも認知されるようになってきました。とはいえ、この問題が自分にも関係のあるトピックだと考えている人は、まだまだ多くはありません。すべての人、すべての愛が平等に取り扱われる社会が来るよう願い、EMA日本に加入しました。Director Yuji Harashima received a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Law at Aoyama Gakuin University and a Master’s degree from the Graduate School of Law at Waseda University. Yuji was admitted to the bar in 2010. After working for one of the largest legal firms, Yuji is currently a partner at the Waseda Legal Commons and he is affiliated with the Legal Network for LGBT Rights. Besides dealing with general civil cases such as labor-related problems, divorce and inheritance, Yuji is engaged in activities supporting the LGBT community. The long-lasting activities of the LGBT community and its supporters have borne fruit and in recent years human rights issues regarding sexual minorities have finally started to be recognized by society. Nonetheless, there are still many people who believe this problem is not relevant to them. Yuji has joined EMA Japan with the wish that a society will come in which all love and every person will be treated equally.