同性婚 Q&A

EnglishQ. 同性婚を認めると結婚制度が破壊されるのではないですか? – Won’t the institution of marriage be destroyed if same-sex marriage is recognized?

A. 同性結婚を認めた国の多くで、婚姻率が高まっています。



Q. Won’t the institution of marriage be destroyed if same-sex marriage is recognized?

A. In several countries where same-sex marriages are recognized, the marriage rate is increasing.

Furthermore, considering the proportionately small percentage of people who are attracted to the same sex, the effect that same-sex marriages will have on the institution of marriage as a whole is insignificant.

Against the background of evolving trends in secularization and commercialization, the institution of marriage has remained throughout history by being flexible in its attributes. Even though the recognition of same-sex marriage will add a small change to the characteristics of marriage, this change will not contribute to the demise of the overall institution of marriage.



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