同性婚 Q&A
EnglishQ. そもそも、「結婚制度」自体が時代遅れではないですか?- Isn’t the institution of marriage outdated?
A. 夫と妻の性固定的な役割がなくなりつつあり、結婚=妻が夫の家庭に入って経済的に夫に女性が依存するという社会でもなくなってきました。また、社会や文化が結婚を当然視するとかいうこともなくなってきました。つまり、結婚制度は、古い社会の性固定的な役割意識や男性による女性支配を必ずしも意味しなくなっています。したがって「結婚制度」自体を否定する必要性は小さくなったのではないでしょうか。
Q. Isn’t the institution of marriage outdated?
A. As the traditional roles of husband and wife are fading, so too is the definition of marriage being that a woman enters the man’s family and she became dependent on her husband financially. What’s more, the concept of marriage as something that is socially and culturally an expected step of life is also changing. It can no longer be said that the institution of marriage is a testament to past generations’ rules of the expected roles of husband and wife, man and woman. With that, there is no need to deny this “Institution of Marriage” to any one group of people.
Even today, many people are discovering the emotional meaning and value behind marriage; therefore, marriage is still seen as an institution that receives mainstream recognition and creates cultural connections. In summary, even today the institution of marriage has meaning.
Against the background of evolving trends in secularization and commercialization, the institution of marriage has remained throughout history by being flexible in its attributes, and recognizing same-sex marriage can be argued as a development suitable for the present.
- Q. なぜ同性婚が必要なのですか?- Why is allowing same-sex marriage important?
- Q. 同性カップルは子どもを産まないので結婚は不必要ではないですか?- Since same-sex couples cannot bear children, isn’t marriage among these couples unnecessary?
- Q. 同性婚を認めると少子化に拍車をかけるのではないですか?- If same-sex marriage is recognized, wouldn’t this spur a decline in the birthrate?
- Q. 同性婚を認めると結婚制度が破壊されるのではないですか? – Won’t the institution of marriage be destroyed if same-sex marriage is recognized?
- Q. そもそも、「結婚制度」自体が時代遅れではないですか?- Isn’t the institution of marriage outdated?
- Q. 同性婚は、社会全体にメリットがありますか?- Does same-sex marriage have any merits for society?
- Q. 憲法は、同性婚を禁止しているのではないですか?- Doesn’t the Constitution prohibit same-sex marriage?
- Q. 同性カップルにも養子を認めるのですか?- Will same-sex couples also be allowed to adopt children?
- Q. なぜ同性愛者が存在するのですか?- Why are there people attracted to the same sex?
- Q. 同性愛者は病気なのではないですか?- So homosexuality is not a disease?
- Q. 同性婚のメリットは何ですか?- What are the merits of same-sex marriage?