同性婚 Q&A

EnglishQ. 同性愛者は病気なのではないですか?- So homosexuality is not a disease?

A. かつて、同性愛は異常であり、病気であるとされたことがありました。





Q. So homosexuality is not a disease?

A. In the past, homosexuality was considered a disease since it was uncommon.

However, WHO (World Health Organization), the American Psychiatric Association, and the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology do not consider homosexuality to be abnormal, strange, or a psychiatric disorder. Moreover, these organizations do not consider homosexuality to be treatable. Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology also excluded homosexuality from its list of sexual offenses in its resources from 1994.

Furthermore, in 2007, the UN Human Rights Council approved the Yogyakarta Principles, and in 2008, the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity was presented to the UN. More than ever before, the LGBT community is insisting on the rights of and the abolition of discrimination towards sexual minorities.

Also, U.S. President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton have stated frequently that the human rights of people attracted to the same sex need to be protected. Referring to examples in other countries, the Constitution of South Africa specifies the protection of human rights for people attracted to the same sex. Also, legal systems in Columbia, Argentina, and countries in the EU protect the human rights of people attracted to the same sex. In Asia, Nepal’s Supreme Court ruled that sexual minorities should be provided with equality under the law in 2008, and in Mongolia, the national government is considering legislation that prohibits discrimination against sexual minorities.

Most importantly, we want everyone to understand that (1) many people attracted to the same sex experience anxiety and stress due to their lack of general acceptance in society and (2) a majority of people attracted to the same sex do not consider their sexuality to be a disease but rather a part of their identity that cannot be changed.



  1. LGBTが病気でないとするのであれば、生物学的に男性だが精神的に女性である場合には女性トイレや女性風呂に、あるいはその逆の場合も、どうどうと利用する権利も認めてあげなくてはいけませんよね。そうしないと精神的苦痛にさいなまれるでしょうから。またそういうと揚げ足取られそうですが。同性愛者が今後増加しないという保証は全くありませんが、そうなれば種の保存も困難になります。

    1. あり得ない前提を根拠に論ずるのは、典型的な「詭弁」です。



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